Globalism. Nationalism. Liberalism. Socialism. Ideologies laden with presumptions depending on who you ask and how you ask. Why not simply organize governments around only the fundamentals that bind us together? Radical ideology searches for a common understanding on matters, despite different perspectives. From Islamic jihadists and ultra-nationalist militias to anarcho-marxist antifa groups.
Information control. Computing. Data gathering. Ubiquitous access to knowledge has been achieved with modern technology. Do not let the library burn! Help society retain the ability to access information, modify software and repair hardware. Spread the ideas that enable open source software. Apply them to broader societal mechanics. Or become part of the Luddite army and fight the tech corporations that way.
Steam. Radio. Electronics. Robotics. It's all going down at the machine shop! Make a wooden car toy from scratch. Add a rubber band spring and a steering wheel. Then a little motor with battery. Finally, make it remote controlled using radio technology! Learn how to use tools and 3D printing to bring production lines of all kinds to your own home by using a shared pool of blueprints and schematics.
Food forests. Greenhouses. Geology. Allow flora and fauna to prosper on this moist rock we all inhabit. Discourage mono-cultures by learning how to grow food in abundance in natural ecosystems. From hands-on experience with genetic modification to growing potatoes in a box! Everything in nature will be thoroughly investigated to find out how we can live in harmony with the natural world!
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